Happy Kids Child Care Center Classroom Checklist
- Vacuum classroom daily.
- Mop classroom daily.
- Disinfect toys as least two (2) times a month (infant toys should be done DAILY).
- Wipe down and disinfect cots/mats at least one (1) time per week.
- Wipe shelves at least two (2) times per month.
- Keep all plastic bags out of the children's reach.
- Keep all medications out of the children's reach.
- Accompany ALL children to the restroom.
- Remove garbage daily.
- Wash your hands and the children's hands before and after meals.
- Wear gloves when serving food.
- Wash your hands and the children's hands after diaper changes and toileting.

Happy Kids Child Care Center Schedule Closings
You will be reminded about our closings on the following days:
- January: New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday
- February: Presidents' Day
- March: Good Friday, Easter Monday
- May: Memorial Day
- June: Juneteenth
- July: Independence Day (4th of July)
- August: First Day of School as Scheduled
- September: Labor Day
- October: Columbus Day
- November: Veteran's Day, Day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving
- December: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
If the payment day falls on a holiday, then the payment is due before the holiday. For any holiday falling on a Saturday or Sunday, the holiday will be scheduled for Friday or Monday. All holidays are to be paid.

Happy Kids Child Care Center Discipline Policy
- Absolutely no corporal punishment.
- Happy Kids Child Care Center Time Out methods are age-appropriate. Time outs are necessary to teach the child and help him/her understand what behavior will not be tolerated during childcare hours.
- At Happy Kids Child Care Center, a special toy or game may be taken from a child to redirect negative behaviors.
- At Happy Kids Child Care Center, praise will be given when positive behavior has been redirected.
- Maintain a positive relationship.
- Use empathy and respect.
- Reward the child.
- Be proactive.
- Work out a solution together.
- Talk to the child before intervening.

Happy Kids Child Care Center Administrative Policy